
Export inkscape vector to large print
Export inkscape vector to large print

export inkscape vector to large print

Import, modify and export SVG graphics to your hearts content.Īlso SVG is an universally recognized Vector file type supported by many other diagram and graphics editors like Adobe Illustrator, MS Visio and Inkscape. For starters, combined with SVG import this makes your diagramming possibilities boundless. This premium feature comes packed with benefits. Clickable links in exported SVG and PDF files.

export inkscape vector to large print

We’re proud and excited to announce that Creately now supports Vector export with SVG. This means you can export your diagrams as crisp SVG documents that can be used for high quality printing or even open and edit them in other SVG editors.īut that’s not all, this latest update to Creately comes with host of other features for an even more productive diagramming experience

Export inkscape vector to large print